Where To Find Dire In Fortnite- Melee Weapons, Wildlife, And More

It’s Fortnite Season 8 Week 5, which means it’s time for new NPCs to arrive on the island and bring with them a bundle of new XP. This week, one of the new NPCs is Dire, the Teen Wolf-inspired lycan. If you need to know where to find Dire in Fortnite and how to complete his quests, here’s everything you need to know.

Where To Find Dire In Fortnite

Dire is located at Camp Cod, which is the small island off the southeast coast of the main Fortnite island and not far from Misty MeadowsVenir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online. Dire can normally be found hanging out at Camp Cod’s biggest building in the southwest of the location. When you join him, speak to him to begin his five-part Wolf Pack questline.

  • Emote at the Weather Station, Fort Crumpet, or Lockie’s Lighthouse (1) – 30,000 XP
  • Damage wildlife with a melee weapon (40) – 30,000 XP
  • Destroy a dumpster at Lazy Lake or Pleasant Park (1) – 30,000 XP
  • Eliminate Cube Monsters in The Sideways with a melee weapon (5) – 30,000 XP
  • Travel on foot in Misty Meadows (200) – 30,000 XP

We’ll have a separate guide up soon showing you the exact locations of the Weather Station, Fort Crumpet, or Lockie’s Lighthouse. As for the rest, you can easily damage most wildlife with a melee weapon, though chickens will outrun you most of the time. Look to the west of Misty Meadows where wildlife reliably spawns and do 40 damage (two good whacks) to whichever animal comes sniffing for you.

From there, you won’t be far from Lazy Lake and its abundance of dumpsters. You can find one near the gas station, just like you can in Pleasant Park if you go there instead. Travel to The Sideways and wear down Cube Monsters with guns, saving their last bit of damage for melee with your pickaxe. Taking them head-on in an all-melee battle will only get you killed, so be careful. Remember that these are Party Quests, so your squadmates can contribute to your totals too. Dire’s last quest is strangely the easest among them: just walk around Misty Meadows for 200 total meters. You can even run in a small circle if you want, just be within the POI’s boundary.

Once you’ve done all of this, you’ll have earned 150,000 XP and be well on your way to topping off the Season 8 battle pass. Don’t forget to also get the new Ragsy quests if you haven’t yet. Check out what else is new in the 18.20 patch notes too.

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